Privacy Activism


PrivacyActivism is a non-profit organization whose goal is to enable people to make well-informed decisions about the importance of privacy on both a personal and societal level.

When people understand the real-world implications of privacy losses or invasions, there is plenty of evidence that they care passionately about the issues. The problem is that privacy is too often discussed in technical and legal jargon which makes the issues seem abstract.

We intend to make the discussion more concrete and relevant by helping people understand the ramifications of the choices that they make in everyday life. We will take novel approaches such as using graphics, videos, games, and stories to communicate the issues. To accomplish this, our staff and volunteers include not only the usual suspects (lawyers, technologists) but also graphic designers, artists, and writers.

Our initial focus is to inform the public about their privacy rights and the short- and long-term consequences of losing them – either inadvertently, or by explicitly trading them away for the perception of security or convenience.

Ultimately, through a mixture of education and activism, we hope to show the importance of privacy as a fundamental human right, not a commodity to be bought and sold.